Wednesday 13 August 2014

Bourne of Love!

 Childhood, the happy, innocent, sweet, unthinking, almost angelic age, at which Nature would have us believe in fairies and all the delicate aerial fancies of poets, who are, after all, the only true sages 
                                                                                                                                                                 A friend gives hope wen life is low¤ A friend is a place where u can go¤ A friend is honest¤ A friend is true & a friend is u!        
A picture as fair as pure as the morning
full of gleam of sunlight on her form is a memory never to die
what a divine bequest has come so near to my path
a singular gift of virtuous value
yet, have not seen so likely a forerunner of loveliness
an epitome of virtue now, here lies within
a priceless ruby an exceptional gem
in this golden memory of mine
oh heavens of wonder and dreams
deliver the key to unlock
that, i may gain, but a breath to live-on
who can find:
What is the true Identity and Purpose of Marriage!

1 comment:

  1. May this new month brings you the more blessed and favourable fortune in the fullness of her beauty thereof. May her shining lights up every dark corner of our heart and all doubt and worries disappears, May the Almighty God gives us the strength to follow His path of Love and Strength
    Always look forward towards your future. Fill your eyes and heart with motivation, Push yourself and boosts your capabilities to achieve what you want, May you gain confidence and believe in what you do
    May your tomorrow be brighter, May this new month be more successful, I pray this month brings more inspiration and love in your life
    As the new month starts, Here are my wishes for you, May this month keeps you healthy, May you be achieving target every day, May you remain happy the whole, May you learn new things every day, May this month be better than all of the previous months of this year and time past!
    The New Month of happiness has arrived, Get ready to gather all the treasure of blessings, May we Praise Almighty God from dawn to dusk, Help others by giving them smiles and happiness, So everyone can enjoy the celebration of spring, Wish You an happy and fulfilled life time.
