Thursday 19 November 2020

Legend of the Fire Lord _ Avatar Remix with mBlock5/Scratch Programming

What if you want to create a game with coding but you don't know how? By supporting block-based and text-based programming, mBlock5 allows users to freely create games and animations, and to program Makeblock robots. The goal of this video is to help students develop the skills to create a game from scratch on their own and to appreciate the importance of coding education and robotic applications for achieving 21st-century and millennial goals cannot be over emphasised. A growing number of countries, in Europe and beyond, have established clear policies and frameworks for introducing computational thinking (CT) and computer programming to young children Now, there is a need for students to acquire skills for producing solutions to problems, develop new ideas in an area of profession, human sciences and social sciences by using computer sciences and applications beginning from early childhood education. Middle school students playing video games are hardly news. But when the students are playing games they’ve built from “Scratch,” the story takes a turn. To this effect, there is a “Call for all to create our Dream World” #students’ #Gamming #IQ #Speed #ScratchProgamming #Innovation #creativityskills #passionforwork #funactivities #educative #inspiring #beautifulworld #innovativethinking #childlike #creativityatwork

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Python AI with Artistic Design and Geometrical Construction Automation

How artificial intelligence will shape the future of design cannot be overemphasised. The reality of artificial intelligence for the design industry is that it might not be so much a danger to be feared, but a catalyst for a paradigm shift. Change is coming whether we want it or not, so the best strategy may be to embrace these new tools and hang on for the ride. Artificial intelligence may affect the workforce by challenging more non-designers to develop their social and creative intelligence in order to stay employable. An Interactive Creation of Polyhedral Stellateing with Various Symmetries using a special python module. The construction of polyhedral stellateing as models was traditionally a very laborious task. For more or less complex polyhedral the process usually involved computer generation of so called face diagrams. Automation, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, has opened up new possibilities. The pace of adoption has been rapid. Institutions of all sizes globally are leveraging automation to drive value. Based on Statistics and Research, 57% of 1,300 institutions have already started on this journey, with another 18% planning to kick off something within the next phase. #machinelearning #deeplearning #ai #students’ #IQ #Speed #pythonlearning #Innovation. When it comes to **AI programming languages**, Python leads the pack with its unparalleled community support and pre-built libraries (like NumPy, Pandas, Pybrain, and SciPy) that help expedite AI development

Sunday 8 November 2020

Creating Artificial Intelligent Construction Tool using Scratch Programm...

#machinelearning #deeplearning #ai #students’ #Gamming #IQ #Speed #ScratchProgamming #Innovation#creativityskills #passionforwork #funactivities #educative #inspiring #beautifulworld #excellentperformance #innovativethinking #childlike #creativityatwork Adopting the latest technology can be daunting for teams. But machine learning and artificial intelligence are helping make job sites more efficient and saving money in the process. AI solutions that have made an impact in other industries are beginning to emerge in the construction industry. Robotics, AI, and the Internet of Things can reduce building costs by up to 20%. There are companies that are starting to offer self-driving construction machinery to perform repetitive tasks more efficiently than their human counterparts, such as pouring concrete, bricklaying, welding, and demolition. Construction companies are starting to use AI and machine learning to better plan for distribution of labour and machinery across jobs. The Adventure of Carcosa Guardian the AI Construction Anime, explores the beauty of Artificial Intelligent Construction Tool. In course of the story line, Carcosa girl, summons a Magical pen that will ask you to provide a side of the desire 2-D shape to sketch. You can enter any number between 50 and 150, due to the typical dimension configuration attribute in scratch programming; when the side of the Square to sketch is required from the user. Just follow the Mathemagic girl instruction and follow through the game; thereby, navigating through your Geometrical Dream World with the assistance of the Carcosa Guardian the Construction Genie Anime